winter: the water element

21st december - 20th march

Winter is the coldest time of year when the sun is at its lowest, nature is still and the trees are bare. It is important to use this natural time of storage and rejuvenation to replenish and recharge the batteries.

Water is the element of the winter season, and this is reflected in our yoga practice through fluidity and flow.

The kidneys and bladder are the organs which regulate water in the body. We will be stimulating these energy lines in class with lots of forward folding, inner thigh stretching and opening of the hips.

Proper nourishment, warmth and rest are all vital for restoring balance during this season.

The taste of the water element is salty, so small amounts of naturally salty foods in the diet are beneficial, however an excess will of course aggravate a water imbalance. The cold also aggravates the water element and the kidneys so it is important to favour more warming foods throughout this season such as wholesome soups and stews using seasonal root vegetables. Foods that are particularly helpful in combating coldness in the body include ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, sweet potatoes, turnip, onion and garlic.

Winter tips: wrap up well, get more sleep, slow down a little, eat plenty of wholesome foods


late summer: the earth element