autumn: the metal element

21st october - 20th december

autumn reflects dryness, leaves lose their moisture, shrivel up and separate from the branches they have hung on to since spring time. the earth’s energy is gathering inward and preparing for winter, as is the energy in class. this is also a time where we draw particular awareness to the breath. the lungs and large intestine are the partner organs for this season. the function of the lungs is to expel carbon dioxide, and the large intestine eliminates solid residue. this ‘letting go’ is exactly what we can see in nature around us. the letting go of emotions, grief and sadness has just as much relevance: if these emotions are held inside overtime, we risk developing physical ailments. in the kitchen, let go of old habits and welcome the new; be inventive and seek out healthy alternatives.

the flavour associated with the metal element is pungent and spicy. capsicum has been used to treat respiratory problems in TCM for centuries, so this is the perfect time to introduce curries, spices and peppery foods into your diet. garlic, onions and leeks have been used to treat chest complaints and help keep the airways open and clear. these foods are all the colour of the metal element - white.

the lung meridian begins on the front of the shoulder, and continues down the arm until it reaches the tip of the thumb, and the meridian line of the large intestine begins at the index finger, runs over the back side of the forearm, upper arm, up the side of the neck and ends near the nostril. we open out the arms and expand the chest frequently in class to stimulate this area of the body.


summer: the fire element